Corvette C8 Shoot
Exploring the angles of the C8 Corvette Stingray.

Lamborghini Waco Run

Granbury Corvette Show 2023
Photos from the 2023 Corvette car show in Granbury, Texas. Organized by the Brazos River Corvette club of Granbury, Texas.

Waco Car Show 2023

Parked Photography
Parked Photography is a car photography genre. A visual celebration of the car in its natural habitat - parked and waiting.

Best of Fliers
Good car show fliers are forever art. Now I just have to dig through the MOTOR Texas archives to find the best; The Lonely Star Roundup...

Austin Steam Train Ride
I finally got to go on a short train ride via the Austin Steam Train. This was a basic excursion from Cedar Park to Bertram. The train stopped at Bertram for 15 minutes. During that time you can explore the Bertram depot. That 15 minute stop gives them time to get the engine turned around. After that it's back to Cedar Park.

Bryan Texas
MOTOR Texas cruised to the Bryan - College Station area on May 17, 2014. The first thing we do is check out the old town area, and we were not disappointed! Bryan has done a good job at maintaining the historic buildings on North Main Street. We relaxed with a burger and beverage at the Chicken Oil Co. on the way out.

College Station
We we're pressed for time on this whirlwind May 2014 weekend trip so we didn't get a lot of photos of College Station. However we did go to the Texas A&M Bonfire Memorial. What a moving and inspirational tribute.

Texas World Speedway
On a trip to Bryan and College Station on May 18, 2014, we stopped by Texas World Speedway. Long time gearheads know about this old track, but most others outside the local area have no clue there is a super speedway in Texas. For how much longer, who knows.

Dime Box
Dime Box is one of those small communities where you and your camera stand out like a sore thumb. So, we usually don't tarry too long unless we meet a local and strike up a conversation. Which we did.

Bug Ranch
MOTOR Texas cruised through Amarillo on August 22, 2013 and snapped a few pictures of the Bug Ranch.

Cadillac Ranch
MOTOR Texas cruised through Amarillo on August 22, 2013 and snapped a few pictures of Cadillac Ranch. Stanley Marsh 3, passed away on June 17, 2014.

Stonehenge II
Texas Stonehenge II resides on the campus of the Hill Country Arts Foundation in Ingram, Texas (close to Kerrville). We snapped these photos on 8-25-2013.

Our stop at Burnet on Jan 21, 2013. We were following the train tracks from Cedar Park, Liberty Hill, Bertram and finally Burnet.

Our stop at Bertram on Jan 19, 2013. We were following the train tracks from Cedar Park, Liberty Hill, Bertram and finally Burnet.

Brenham Car Show
On our July 2012 road trip to Brenham we stumbled upon a car show at the Hot Nights Cool Tunes event held in the historic district. We had a great time and met some cool folks.

Round Top Texas
July 7, 2012 visit to Round Top, Texas. What an interesting town! Do plan to eat at Royers Round Top Cafe!

Caldwell County Museum
While we were at the Chisholm Trail Roundup in Lockhart on June 9, 2012 we checked out a couple of museums. This one is a must see!

Little Valley Auto Ranch
On our way back to Austin from Temple on October 3, 2011, we discovered Little Valley Auto Ranch. This large field of classic iron is located on 190 just a few miles west of IH 35.

Day of the Drags 2009

Featured Photos
This is the archive of MOTOR Texas photos that have been featured on the home page.