
Fredericksburg, Texas
Date: (Sat) Sep 09, 2023
This is a three-day event for Porsche owners, but their FAQ states the following:
See website (ASAP) for registration details if you want to register.
Spectators Can Attend on Saturday Morning
The Saturday morning lineup and pre-drive events at the Hangar Hotel are open to the public. Feel free to stop by, enjoy the cars and meet some great people.
Boxstoberfest is a large regional PCA event open to all Porsches. It is held the second weekend in Sept in Fredericksburg TX.
Boxstoberfest started out as Boxster only in 1997, but soon transitioned to all Porsches. Held continuously for 25 years, Boxstoberfest is an annual favorite for Porsche owners from all over Texas and beyond. Annual attendance averages over 100 Porsches.
The host Hotel is the Hanger Hotel at the Gillispie County Airport in Fredericksburg Airport. Registration, meeting points and the Saturday morning car line-up are conducted out of that location. But the Hanger Hotel is not large enough to accommodate all participants so many stay at different hotels across Fredericksburg.
This event consists of Friday drives and events, as well as a main drive on Saturday, a Scenic Tour, and a Gimmick Rally followed by a Saturday evening banquet to celebrate a fun weekend and great company.
Registration normally opens shortly after the 4th of July weekend.
Via: We add show dates and descriptions as a convenience! Always always always visit the show sponsor's web site to verify dates and details!
Hangar Hotel
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