Toy Drive and Car Show

event flier


Toy Drive and Car Show

Gatesville, Texas

Date: (Sat) Nov 23, 2024

Bare Bones BBQ is hosting the 4th annual
Neighbors Supporting Neighbors
Toy Drive & Car Show on November 23,2024
at 4305 S State Hwy 36 Gatesville, Texas
9:30am-2:30pm .

This is a 100% non profit event to help the less fortunate children at Christmas time. All vehicles and motorcycles are welcome. Entry fee is a minimum 10.00 toy. Limited parking space for up to 140 to 150. There is no pre registration for this event. Incase of bad weather it will be moved to December 7th. For any questions about this event you can contact BareBones BBQ at 254-248-1441 ask for Chad Or 254-216-0976 ask for Bobby. Thank you

DISCLAIMER: We add show dates and descriptions as a convenience! Always always always visit the show sponsor's web site to verify dates and details!


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Once you are greatly successful, people will talk about how successful they always always knew you would be rather than how crazy you were. -Grant Cardone