Edwin Olsen Railroad Museum

By: jwilder

edwin olsen railroad museum clifton texas

The Edwin Olsen Railroad Museum is owned by the City of Clifton.

The depot building was constructed in 1901 for the AT&SF railroad. It closed in 1983. In 1984 it was moved to its current location where it served as the headquarters for the police department until about 2010.

The depot building was renovated and opened as a museum in May 2017.

"The museum has a multitude of exhibits including various Santa Fe dining car china patterns and other serving items and a host of other rail memorabilia including kerosene lanterns, timetables, photos, train orders and many other items such as a drumhead from the AT&SF Ranger and a late 1880's potbelly stove. The focus is on the AT&SF but with some items from other railroads that serviced Texas and nearby communities such as the Missouri Pacific, the Katy and the Southern Pacific."

Edwin Olsen Railroad Museum
204 N. Avenue E
Clifton, Texas

Open 1st and 3rd Saturdays each month
10am to 2pm

Special tours are available on request through the City of Clifton city office.

Filed under Clifton Railroad Museum Texas.

James Wilder

James Wilder is the owner, writer, photographer, designer, and developer for MOTOR Texas.


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